
About me

Exploring the world of computer engineering fills me with excitement and anticipation. My experience so far has made me particularly drawn to C++, especially when applied to robotics, and I remain open to new challenges. I focus on creating efficient, high-quality code with attention to detail.

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  • Name:  Georgios Matzarapis
  • Age:  27 years
  • Location:  Paris, France
  • Contact Me  

“Wake up with determination. Go to bed with satisfaction.”
- George Horace Lorimer



University of Patras

Oct 2015 - Jul 2020

Integrated Master - Department of Computer Engineering & Informatics,
Grade: 7.44/10

Diploma Thesis: A hybridization of Mobile Crowdsensing, Twitter Analytics, and Sensor Data for the holistic approach of pollen onsets detection, using Flask microframework

During the last years of my studies I worked at the Internet of Things (IoT) laboratory, directed by Professor Sotiris Nikoletseas. I implemented tasks related to big data processing - efficient ways to read/write from/to NoSQL databases - and also developed my thesis. Furthermore, I participated as auxiliary staff in the laboratory of the course ”Topics in Computer Architecture” where used the assembly programming language.


Enchanted Tools SAS

May 2024 - Present

Fulltime - C++ Software Engineer

  • Developed key features for the telemetry system, including local data storage, internal streaming using the ZMQ protocol, and live‑streaming via web‑sockets to Foxglove Studio
  • Currently, I am designing and implementing a cloud‑hosted logging management infrastructure with Grafana Loki
Paris |

Amadeus IT Group S.A.

Sep 2022 - Apr 2024

Fulltime - C++ Software Engineer

  • Developed a middleware library responsible for the communication between backends
  • Developed proxy services to forward HTTP requests to HTTPS based backend
  • Developed rest APIs
  • Developed automation tools for monitoring purposes of credit cards
  • Participated in the PCI-DSS v4 audit
Nice |

Yodiwo S.A.

Nov 2021 - Aug 2022

Fulltime - Software Engineer

  • Worked on the development of a Windows end user service, responsible for coordinating the communication between applications and the cloud
  • Developed unit and integration tests, as well as a mock HTTPS server to remove external dependencies
Patras |

Hellenic Army Information Support Center
(Mandatory service)

May 2021 - Nov 2021

Fulltime - Software Engineer / Client Technical Support

  • Developed end-to-end features on a document management web system
  • Created helper tool that improved the live monitoring of servers' status
  • Provided 1st level technical support to the customers
Athens |

TeamViewer AG

Sep 2020 - Feb 2021

Fulltime - Quality Assurance Engineer Intern

  • Developed the UI automation infrastructure of the Greek department, to test features of the Windows Remote Desktop application
  • Created test plans, test cases and evaluated them for the inclusion in regression test suites
  • Manually testing on Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, Linux
Ioannina |

Vidavo S.A.

Mar 2020 - May 2020

Full time - University Internship on Data Science

Worked on a personal allergy tracking application:

  • Developed tools for the quality evaluation, metrics extraction and process of data to evaluate the movements made by a human with those calculated by a machine learning process
  • Implemented rest API accessible and documented by swagger
Patras |


Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Windows


  • Git
  • Google C++ Mocking Framework
  • CMake
  • Docker
  • ROS (Robot Operating System)
  • Grafana
  • MongoDB
  • Postman
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • xUnit testing tool
  • Jenkins
  • Windows Forms

Programming Languages

  • C++
  • Python
  • C#

Quality Assurance

  • TesTrail
  • Ranorex
  • Android Studio

Web Development

  • Bootstrap Framework
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • ASP.NET 5
  • Flask
  • ASP.NET Framework
  • JavaScript
  • JQuery


  • English: Fluent (C2)
  • Greek: Native
  • German: Beginner (A1)


AllergyMap U.S.

Diploma thesis work: AllergyMap U.S.

AllergyMap U.S., an allergy tracking tool

Mobile Crowdsensing, Twitter Analytics, Flask, Bootstrap

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A blockchain implementation approach

C++, Decentralization, Modern-cpp

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Hotel Organization

Hotel Organization

A window application for organizing hotel data

C#, .Net 5 Windows Forms

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Advertizer Bidder API

Advertizer Bidder API

Visualization of API functionalities using the Flask-RESTPlus library

REST API, Flask, Swagger

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3D RPG Adventure Game

3D RPG Adventure Game

A 3D RPG adventure game developed in Unity cross-platform using C#

Game Development, Unity, 3D, RPG

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Take a look at the rest of my projects

See projects on GitHub


A Complementary Sensing Platform for a holistic approach to Allergic Rhinitis monitoring

17th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS)

A. Bardoutsos, G. Matzarapis, S. Nikoletseas, Paul G. Spirakis, and P. Tzamalis

Jul 14, 2021 • IEEE | See publication


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“As with any language, programming languages are best learnt through communication with others.”